Welcome to the MyBC app! MyBC helps you create an individual profile for each of your Sales Representatives. The app is fully customizable -- complete with your logo and color scheme. Your Sales Representatives can also activate their accounts to upload a profile picture and an "about me" section!
Create an Account:
To create a Salesperson account:
- Go to mybc.abreezetech.com and click the white Sign Up button.
- Enter your information and make sure to select your role as a Salesperson.
- Once the form is complete, click Create Free Account.
Next, complete your online profile by providing your Job Title, Sales Organization, Bio, and a photo. Click the Finish button once complete.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Our Abreeze team has worked hard to answer common questions about MyBC in our Help Center. Click the link below to find the answers to many of your questions. If you can't find what you are looking for, please reach out to us at help@abreezetech.com so that we can further assist!
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