Welcome to the Bulk Price Adjuster app! With the Bulk Price Adjuster app, you can increase or decrease item prices by percentage or flat amount. You can select either all items or filter by label, category, or item groups. For merchants with hundreds or thousands of items, this will lead to time saved and errors eliminated!
Downloading Bulk Price Adjuster:
Downloading the application is fast and easy. Install and launch the app from the Clover Web Dashboard on your web browser.
The Bulk Price Adjuster app is a flat fee of $24.99, so you can pay once and use it forever, no subscription required!
How to access Bulk Price Adjuster:
To access Bulk Price Adjuster, install and launch the app from the web on your Clover Web dashboard. If the app is already installed, you can navigate to Bulk Price Update from Mission Control's inventory menu.
How to bulk adjust the price of items:
Once you have launched the app, click on the drop-down arrow and select Percentage or Flat Amount.
Enter the amount you want to increase or decrease the item or category by. To decrease the price of your items, simply insert a negative symbol (-) in front of the value. (-10%, -2)
Click on the drop-down arrow and select the item, category or label you wish to adjust, then hit Submit. This will automatically update the price of all the items in your inventory to show the new percentage or flat amount you added or subtracted to your items.
Bulk adjusting prices for a category, label, or item group:
Once you have launched the app, click on the drop-down arrow and select Percentage or Flat Amount.
Enter the amount you want to increase or decrease your category, label, or item groups by. To decrease the price of your items, simply insert a negative symbol (-) in front of the value. (-10%, -2)
Click on the drop-down arrow and select a category, label, or item group, then hit Submit. This will automatically update the price of items in your inventory to show the new percentage or flat amount you added or subtracted to your items.
This image is showing how to increase an item group by 10%
Frequently Asked Questions
Our Abreeze team has worked hard to answer common questions about the Bulk Price Adjuster app in our Help Center. Click the link below to find the answers to many of your questions. If you can't find what you are looking for, please reach out to us at help@abreezetech.com so that we can further assist!
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