There are a few reasons why the reporting numbers in your Daily Email Report may have discrepancies. Please walk through the below instances to determine how to correct your reports.
Reporting Timeframe
Please make sure you have set closeout offset hours to the same time as when you run your end-of-day receipt.
Pending Offline Sales
The difference could also be because of pending offline sales. If you have taken offline sales the previous day, and they were not synced before the daily report was sent, those sales will not be included in the report. Please sync your Clover device and run the report again to see the updated totals.
Modifier Values not Included in Items
If you sell items with modifiers, you will need to include the modifier value in items. This option must be selected under your report parameters to reconcile the Items and Categories total to the gross sales. For example, if you are selling the item Pizza, but adding the topping pepperoni changes the price, you are going to want to include that value in the item. In the Daily Email Report settings, check the box for "Include Modifier value in Items."
Suppose you would prefer to include your modifiers on the report separately (not included in your item sales total). In that case, you can choose to include your Modifier Groups in a separate section of the report by checking the "Modifier Groups" box as shown below.
Partially Paid Orders
If you have partially paid orders, the total value of items and categories sold may exceed gross sales. When Clover processes a partially paid order, it marks the items as sold at full price even though the sale amount is less. To avoid this, we recommend using discounts or variable-priced items when you would like to accept payment for less than the total value of the order.
Service Charge
If you use service charges through Clover, you will need to add these charges in when calculating your "Net" balance. The service charge amount can be found at the top right of your report. If you add up your Net Sales by category or item, subtract Total Discounts, and add Service Charges, this will then tie to your "Net" balance.
Discrepancy in Reporting Item Sales/Refunds
Within Clover Setup, a merchant can report a sale when an order is created or when payment/refund is made. Please make sure you have selected the option to Report item sales or refund when payment or refund is made. This will prevent any discrepancies between sales and payments received.
Check to see if an employee without all "Reporting" permissions in the Clover "Employee" app has launched the Daily Email Report app. If this is the case, you will see the warning message below, and your reports will not send to your chosen recipients. To fix this, please have an employee with reporting permissions (e.g., an Admin user) log in and click each link listed in the warning to reauthenticate the report(s).
If you continue to encounter discrepancies in your daily email report, please contact us at to further assist!
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