Adding a New Employee to Multiple Locations:
When initially creating an employee, you can add that employee to multiple locations following the How do I Create an Employee instructions.
Adding an Existing Employee to Multiple Locations:
If you would like to add an existing employee to an additional location, you can do so by walking through the "Create Employee" process again, keeping the below two points in mind:
- An employee is registered at their hired location by their email in Mission Control. Using the same email when adding an employee to a new location is essential as you used when initially creating the employee.
- When adding the new locations, you do not need to re-select the employees' locations already associated. Only select the desired additional locations, which the employee will add to the employee's master location list.
Reminder - if you want an employee to access the Mission Control dashboard, the employee MUST be added to the headquarter location, as all Mission Control dashboard functionalities originate from the headquarter location.
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