Once you have launched the Daily Email Report application, at the top, you can see the main page is "Daily Email Reporting Home." Begin by clicking the "Manage Custom Fields" tab. This will allow you to create new customs fields for your Daily Email Reports. Create a name or the custom field that you want in the box on the top of the page, and then hit "Add Custom Field" to create.
On this same page, you can manage your current custom fields. If you want to delete any custom field created, you click the blue X to delete the field.
Once you have created your desired field, go over to the "Custom Field Entry" tap at the top of the page to enter the value you want to show up in that field. First, select which custom field you want to add a value to. Then enter the desired value in the box labeled "Value." The default for the entries is to have the value be entered on the same day for the reporting. If you want to change the date on which the value is posted in the custom field on the Daily Email Reporting, you can change the date to the left of the 'Value' box. Once you have selected the custom field, value, and date you want your custom entry, select the "Submit Entry" box below for the entry to be posted.
You can also view the recent entries on the far right of the screen to see the entries' history.
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